MP’s call on government to support the Dutch private sector in Africa
A parliamentary motion, aimed at securing support and funding for the next steps for the implementation of the ‘Africa Strategy’ of the Dutch private sector has been launched on December 2nd, by Members of Parliament Mustafa Amhaouch (CDA) and Arne Weverling (VVD).

A parliamentary motion, aimed at securing support and funding for the next steps for the implementation of the ‘Africa Strategy’ of the Dutch private sector has been launched on December 2nd, by Members of Parliament Mustafa Amhaouch (CDA) and Arne Weverling (VVD).
There has been an ongoing exchange of thoughts in the parliamentary commission for foreign trade and development assistance about how to increase interest among Dutch companies to do business with Africa. After a ‘Taskforce’ aimed at stimulating this trade and investment has been set up in 2019 after a parliamentary motion of Mr. Amhaouch, the MP’s emphasised the urgency and asked for more tangible progress during a budgetary meeting in November.
Motion to support the 15/15 action plan
The motion, scheduled for voting December, 8th. Mr. Amhaouch (of the Christian democrats) and Mr. Weverling, of the liberal party -the largest in the current parliament and the party of Prime Minister Mark Rutte- have asked Minister Sigrid Kaag to fully support the action plan called ’15 consortia for 15 focus countries,’ that was initiated by NABC and put forward by the Dutch private sector, united under the employer’s federations VNO-NCW and MKB Nederland.
Positive impact
Both VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland hailed the initiative of the MPs. ‘We call on all parliamentarians to fully support this motion. This is an important next step for the implementation of our Africa Strategy and will be used to create an equal trade relation with a positive impact on local prosperity,’ the two employers associations wrote in a statement. They also threw their support behind another parliamentary motion, written by the CDA, saying that the Dutch cabinet should also adopt an Africa trade strategy to be made by the Dutch Government.
‘Over 70% of our export is currently aimed at European markets, while exponential strong economic growth can be found in Asia and China and Africa. Africa has fast-growing markets and is full of business opportunities for Dutch companies, that can ensure a positive impact locally,’ they added.