First outgoing Trade Mission to Cameroon since 2014
After being postponed several times due to COVID, the NABC was finally able to organise its first trade mission to Cameroon since 2014, on the 21st to 25th of March 2022.

The multisector trade mission to Cameroon took place from the 21st to 25th of March 2022 and was organised by the NABC in close cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Benin and Dutch Honorary Consul to Cameroon. The NABC and a delegation of 11 Dutch companies active in the agricultural, energy, maritime and construction sector, travelled to Cameroon for a week full with high-level government meetings, B2B matchmaking and company visits. In addition, the Netherlands Ambassador to Benin, Cameroon & Equatorial Guinea, H.E. Ms. To Tjoelker-Kleve, joined and supported the delegation during the whole mission programme.
On the very first day, the delegation visited the ministries of Commerce (MINCOMMERCE), Economy, Planning & Regional Development (MINEPAT), Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts (MINPMEESA), and Livestock Fisheries and Animal Husbandry (MINEPEA) in Yaoundé. During the meetings, attended by the respective ministers and their staff, the delegation received more information about sector opportunities and relevant government policies to attract international investors. The visit of the Dutch delegation and the Ambassador to Cameroon was received with great interest, given the large number of local news outlets waiting outside each meeting. The day was concluded with a networking reception in Yaoundé hosted by the Cameroon Investment Promotion Agency (IPA). The reception allowed for additional networking with members of the business community in Yaoundé, government officials and representatives from international organisations.
The following day, the delegation travelled to the economic heart of Cameroon, Douala, to attend the Cameroon-Netherlands Business Forum. The Forum welcomed around 60 attendees consisting of high-level government officials and members of Douala’s business community. The Forum was opened by Minister Alamine Ousmane Mey from MINEPAT, and followed by additional words of welcome from H.E. Ms. To Tjoelker-Kleve. A more in-depth analysis on Cameroon’s investment and tax climate was offered during presentations by IPA and PwC.
On Thursday and Friday, the delegation participated in additional matchmaking meetings and company visits in and near Douala. A majority of the group joined the visit to the Port of Kribi on Thursday, which included a visit to the office of the Port Authority of Kribi (PAK), and the deep-water facilities at Mboro. During the visit, the delegation learned about the competitive advantage of the Kribi deep-sea port over Douala’s port in terms of terminal depth and cargo dwell time.
If you like to explore the business opportunities in Cameroon, or learn more about how the NABC can support you in growing your company’s local presence, kindly contact Myrthe van der Gaast.