Doing Business in Africa Award 2021

The Doing Business in Africa (DBA) Award aims to reward, with recognition, a company’s contribution to the sustainable and inclusive economic development within Africa.  Cast your vote today and help decide who will be the next winner of DBA Award 2021!

3rd of December 2021
Annual Event
  • Description
  • Speakers
  • Practical information
  • In pre-COVID-19 era, during the Ambassadors’ Dinner, the NABC presented one of its member companies with the Doing Business in Africa (DBA) Award. This year will be no exception. One NABC member will be announced as the winner of the DBA Award on the 13th of December! The only difference? It will be held as an online campaign (apart from the Award, that’s still physical)!

    The Doing Business in Africa (DBA) Award aims to reward, with recognition, a company’s contribution to the sustainable and inclusive economic development within Africa. Apart from being an active member in the NABC community, the criteria include working in an innovativeinclusive and sustainable manner, and having a clear strategy and an active engagement in an African country that has led to business success.

    The winner of the Doing Business in Africa Award 2021 will be given the floor during the annual NABC’s New Year’s Reception at the Heineken Experience to share their successful business story. Learn more about this year’s nominees, and make sure to cast your vote before the 13th of December at 12:00 PM CET.

  • Medical Credit Fund (PharmAccess Group)

    The Medical Credit Fund (MCF) was founded in 2009 as part of the PharmAccess Group, which contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by working towards inclusive health markets in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). MCF is the only impact fund dedicated to financing SMEs in Africa’s health care sector, enabling them to access capital and technical assistance to expand their businesses, as well as improve care quality (using SafeCare). So far, MCF has disbursed US$ 140 million in loans to 1,800 SMEs in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda with a 94% repayment rate. Learn more.


    Dutch PET Recycling

    Dutch PET Recycling is a global trading company in recycled PET. This plastic is most known from the transparent plastic bottles. Since the African infrastructure to collect and process plastic waste is underdeveloped, Dutch PET Recycling have set up a separate company – Plastic Recycling Africa – to assist local partners. The company assist in cleaning up the environment of local communities, creating local employment opportunities for low waged workers, promoting local economic development, and by bringing in hard currencies. Learn more.


    Coach Africa

    Coach Africa is a coaching business that empowers organisations and leaders across the African continent. Today, Coach Africa consists of Coach Africa Entrepreneurs, the Coach Africa Academy, and Coach Africa Organisation. Together, the company actively contributes to SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10. Through strengthening local organisations and working with the brightest minds on the continent, they amplify local African voices to change global perceptions and inspire thousands on the continent.Learn more.

  • The Doing Business in Africa (DBA) Award aims to reward, with recognition, a company’s contribution to the sustainable and inclusive economic development within Africa. Apart from being an active member in the NABC community, the criteria include:

    • Innovation: The company offers a service or a product that applies new methods, technologies, ideas, or delivery procedures. The service or the product delivers recognisable results and has a positive impact on the business itself and those it serves.
    • Environmental and Financial Sustainability: The business model and the processes of delivering a service or a product (supply chain) have been developed to minimise the negative impact on the ecological balance. The service or the product adds value locally in Africa and has a clear link to the SDGs. In addition, the company has been profitable in their business activities and presents a long-term vision on how to guarantee the financial sustainability of the business model and has growth potential.
    • Inclusion: The company is working in and with Africa. Local suppliers, distributors, retailers and/or customers are the focus of the company’s core business.

    Cast your vote today until the 13th of December 12:00 PM CET!