Become a Member

NABC’s community provides unique opportunities to network with like-minded companies, to share experiences, and above all: to do business. Become a member today and give a boost to your business with and in Africa. 

    NABC Membership

    Please indicate your kind of organisation

    Companies with three employees.
    €495 annual fee, ex. VAT

    Companies up to five employees.
    €495 annual fee, ex. VAT

    Small and medium enterprises up to 250 employees.
    €995 annual fee, ex. VAT

    Small and medium enterprises up to 250 employees based in Africa.
    €995 annual fee, ex. VAT

    NGO's, IO's, branch organizations, knowledge institutes, networking organisations.
    €995 annual fee, ex. VAT

    Companies larger than 250 employees.
    €1850 annual fee, ex. VAT

    Companies larger than 250 employees based in Africa.
    €1850 annual fee, ex. VAT

    Additional memberships (optional)

    In addition to the NABC membership you can also subscribe to the following memberships

    €1000 annual fee, ex. VAT

    Company information

    [group membership_alternate_postal_group]


    [group membership_alternate_invoice_group]


    Main contact person

    The company becomes a member of NABC. Thus all your colleagues can attend our missions, events and other activities.
    Please indicate below the main contact person.

    Company industry

    Energy related companies: solar, wind, biogas, etc.
    All agribusiness machinery & equipment suppliers
    Commodities, grain, coffee and other staple foods
    A company that is involved in several agrofrood related sectors and can't be dedicated to one subsector.
    The design, development, manufacturing, marketing, and selling of motor vehicles.
    All consultants, experts and business service providers
    All capital (impact) Funds and (angel)/(impact) investors
    Companies that produce and/or distribute industrial chemicals.
    Companies tasked with designing, planning, construction, and management of infrastructures such as roads, tunnels, bridges, airports, railroads, facilities, buildings, dams, utilities and other projects.
    All software, information technology companies and electronic companies
    Financial business service providers
    Companies active in foodproducts for consumers
    Retail, fashion etc. Companies looking to sell products directly to consumers
    Medical, pharmaceuticals,health service, training companies
    Redmeat & Whitemeat: Poultry, Beef, Lamb, Pork etc.
    All marine & offshore related companies, boat builders, dredgers etc.
    All fossill fuel companies, oil & gas related companies
    Security of people, buildings and capital goods
    All companies related to telecommunications, software & hardware
    Companies related to leisure travel, or improving countries as tourism destination
    Cultural trainings, management trainings; human resources etc.
    All transport and logistics related companies.
    Water management, delta technology, water technology, rainwater catchment etc.


    What type of service do you wish to receive from NABC?

    [group interests_other_group]


    Primarily we are interested in:

    Indicate where you do business or want to do business in Africa.

    [group membership_local_establishment_group]


    [group membership_local_distributors_group]


    Company Description

    How would you want to describe your company and your activities in Africa, e.g. do you have a local establishment? (we will publish this on our website).

    How did you come to know of the NABC?

    [group source-other]


    As a member of NABC you will receive our bi-monthly newsletter, and information about upcoming events and trade missions.